It’s not much of an aftermath, admittedly.You can’t fake not having a flash.Look, I’m fairly sure I’ve been awake of the past few months and I haven’t once seen anything approaching Summer, and now you’re telling me it’s Autumn? Do one.Frank! Frank! I’ve fallen! I think I’m hurt!Sorry, I have a podcast to edit. Please insert your own story here.Not mine, thankfully. Quickly – to the suitcase! I’m off to Dresden.Poser Cat is in ur houz.The clock at Glasgow Cental Station.We’ve been here before, of course, but not at so wide an angle.So as I’m driving home from work I notice a couple of police cars blocking off access to the road one over from me, although I can’t see exactly why. Scenting DRAMA!, I ditch the car, dash to the flat, grab my camera and head off to document this unfolding DRAMA!
Sadly by that point any DRAMA! that might have been present had hidden itself completely. There was, however, Glasgow’s everpresent RAIN! as a less than adequate replacement.Perfume on a pig, really. It’s inner beauty that counts, I suppose.I can only assume it is inviting the sky to fall on us. Please don’t, mister blue sky!Dresden’s FrauenkircheDresden by NightDresden again.I am in Dresden, as is this building. I’d elucidate, but I’m fast running out of time.Sick of the brass band, apparently.No! Don’t fly into the sun! You’ll all burn!More Dresden, more wishing for a triposKablooey.Dresden’s FrauenkircheGo to Glasgow Central. Look up. This is what you see.The Rage buggiesSpectacles, Testicles, Wallet, and Watch. *
* Parts of mnemomic not pictured. Thankfully.Actually, it’s not even close to our biggest fan impellers, but you take what you can get.It’s early. The innards of this hotel, in case things get hectic tomorrow. A drive across damn near the entire width of Germany awaits.
Parp.I awoke this morning not to dappled sunlight playing over the bedlinen, nor to chirping wildlife cheerily welcoming in the day. Hells, I wasn’t even roused by the harsh, grating tones of my alarm. No, today I was shocked awake by excruciating cramps in both of my calf muscles, making me want to scream and cry.
I didn’t, of course. I’m a manly man, I’m young and I’m in my prime.
It has, however, made that whole ‘walking’ lark difficult, so despite this being the first day in a while that I could have though about setting a decent shot up, I didn’t feel like torturing myself to get it. Ah well, we shall have to make do with this dull railside HDR.This just looks wrong.This just looks wrong.This just looks wrong.This just looks wrong.Frankly, putting some leaves in open-air gaol was a daft idea anyway. A dark cupboard would be more appropriate. Take note, justice system!Get in or go to hell.Purple flowers.Life at home. None of the people pictured, of course.It’s some trees! In Queen’s Park, Glasgow.Enough with the trees already.Dresden by NightA beer garden, of sorts, in Dresden.Some days are harder than others. I find the cigarettes help.It waits in the dark for an opportunity to pounce.Thanks to my continuing Fallout 3 habit, which I believe I have kicked today, I damn near forgot to take a photie before nightfall. This sneaked in under the wire, albeit not the most inspired of shots.
Won’t get much better over the next couple of days, as I face my worst nightmare – a business trip scheduled with no downtime whatsoever. Expect shots of airports, offices and hotel rooms for the bulk of next week.Part of Rob’s spectacular coral-filled fish tank, featuring an awful lot of support equipment.No drama today. There was, however, the rain. And the duck pond.
Ho-hum.Dresden by NightSo many questions raised by this. Where’s the other shoe? Why’s one of them sitting on a window ledge?
Actually, that’s about all of the questions raised by this, but what the hell.Hmm. Probably have to file this one under ‘not as good an idea as first imagined’ with the others. The look was intentional, but it does just look like I made a mess of a shot and nothing more, doesn’t it?
Ah well. Everyday’s a schoolday.I can add “beer bottles” to the list of things that do not make a suitable camera lens, then.
I’m starting to think that only camera lenses are going to be useful camera lenses, but it’s best not to be disheartened.Dresden by NightPlush hotel, by my standards.MOAR TREEZ