Grass? Can barely remember what it looks like.It’s good to be prepared, I suppose.Yay! Presents!
Inside, the same gift that was in that suitcase from Pulp Fiction.It seems that Glagow at night in the snow naturally tends towards the sepia.It’s either the base of a snowman or a completely impractical snowballLast week’s lunch, at Òran Mór’s Brasserie.
Baked Goats Cheese, Tomato & Basil Pesto in Puff Pastry with Aged Balsamzic. Well worth £3.50.Oi Oi Oi.Look, I’ve already got a cold. I was going to stay in bed anyway. You don’t need to surround my flat with further coldification to convince me.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMair floowers, likesay.I see getting to work tomorrow is going to be “fun”.Go on. Run your idea up there, see who salutes.