I suppose it does rain a lot in Edinburgh, although I question exactly how useful that umbrella will be to a statue, especially in that state.Arthur’s Seat taken over an unusally deserted Bruntsfield Links.It takes hundred of these bees to match the sound of just one vuvuzela.The fountain outside the People’s Palace.Cheap colour gimmickery? Moi?
Why, the very suggestion is an outrage!Glasgow’s Jamaica Street Bridge given the Aperture toy camera treatment.
Why on earth I’ve spent so much cash on cameras, lenses, software and computer hardware to make an image look like it was taken on a Chinese knock-off of a Soviet era rubbish camera is question best left for another day.James Watt. That’s what.Is it just me or does this statue of James Watt in the Winter Gardens of Glasgow’s palatial, er, People’s Palace, look unduly depressed?
Although I suppose if a bird had been abusing my head I’d be down about it too.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe fountain outside the People’s Palace.Pink.
It’s like red.
But not quite.
Tyler, ’97.Keep meaning to do more of this stuff. But I’m so scared of the dark. Still, I suppose that adds a bit of edge to the process.You would be forgiven for thinking that this iron railing would not be necessary to protect Edinburgh Castle. What with it being a castle and all. And designed for defence. And on built on a massive, steep slab of volcanic rock.
You would be wrong, though. We salute you, Iron Railing, Defender of ScotlandSuspension bridges – feat of engineering or dark majicks?
Well, engineering, obviously, but I can’t think of anything else to write in this box.