Army of the Dead

Republished from the show notes of my other site, Fuds on Film.

There’s about five minutes of exceedingly fun filmmaking here, with an intro/credits sequence that takes the film’s dumb premise, a heist in a be-zombie apocalypse’d Las Vegas, and turns the dumb up to maxidumb, with over the top action and visuals that are a real hoot.

Then the next two hours of utterly boring, straight-laced, dour “film-making” occurs, with the usual Zack Synder hallmark of taking everything way to seriously, especially given the, as mentioned, very dumb central conceit of the movie.

Perhaps strangely, it’s not interesting enough to be a bad movie, instead, and arguably worse, it’s a very dull movie, an attempt at translating Aliens to Zombietown, but without understanding anything of what made Aliens good. Witness the vast slate of actors, all given no character whatsoever, leaving the action setpieces to stand, or more often fall, by their own ugly merits.

Frankly, not worth your time or ours. Avoid.